I wouldn't buy wine/whisky from these companies (Part 2)

Monday 31 March 2014

Good news: two further companies being closed in public interest

Capital Bordeaux Investment Corporate Limited and Capital Bordeaux Investments Limited
It is good to see that the Insolvency Service is now busy pursuing other dubious wine investment companies following forcing Ken Gundlach's Bordeaux Fine Wines Ltd into liquidation. On 13th February Capital Bordeaux Investment Corporate Limited and Capital Bordeaux Investments Limited were put into provisional liquidation by the High Court in London on public interest grounds. The full hearing of the petition is on 14th May. It is, however, rare for the directors of companies put into provisional liquidation to oppose public interest petitions.

Message from Grant Thornton:      
'Capital Bordeaux Investment Corporate Limited & Capital Bordeaux Investments Limited in provisional liquidation 
'Capital Bordeaux Investment Corporate Limited (CBIC) & Capital Bordeaux Investments Limited (CBI) companies that sold wine to investors, were placed into provisional liquidation by the High Court in the public interest on 13th February 2014, following an investigation by the Insolvency Service.
The Official Receiver is acting as provisional liquidator in both matters with a hearing set for 14 May 2014 at 10.30am in London to place the companies into formal compulsory liquidation. It is from this point that an Insolvency Practitioner may be appointed to act as Liquidator to investigate the financial affairs of the company and seek to maximise the potential return to creditors.

Should you want advice on your options please contact Samantha Street, a manager at Grant Thornton, at samantha.j.street@uk.gt.com or on 0207 728 2651.'

Investdrinks is prepared to post similar notices from other insolvency practitioners. 

Monday 17 March 2014

Bordeaux Fine Wines Ltd: more details on meeting to appoint liquidator

The meeting (Friday 14th March) was chaired by Phil Amatt, Assistant Official Receiver. David Ingram secured the majority of votes and consented to the appointment to act as Liquidator.

All known creditors will be written to confirming David Ingram's (Grant Thornton) appointment and advising of the next steps. This letter will be issued once the handover papers have been received from the Official Receiver's office and initial investigations have been undertaken. 

Should there be any creditors who have not previously been contacted by The Official Receiver or do not believe they are a known creditor they are asked to contact Matthew Vines or Alex Taylor of Grant Thornton to register their details. It should be noted that any creditors who have lodged a proof of debt form do not need to make contact as these forms will be made available by The Official Receiver to the Liquidator. 

Alex Taylor: alex.j.taylor@uk.gt.com

Friday 14 March 2014

Optimum Fine Wines Ltd/ Wellington House Collections Ltd: revealing testimonials

From the Optimum Fine Wines site

Spot the difference between these two sets of testimonials – one from Optimum Fine Wines Ltd and the other from Wellington House Collections Ltd:

Optimum Fine Wines Ltd:

Henry Croft at Optimum Fine Wines has been very attentive, letting me know about potential changes in the market and keeping a watchful eye over my portfolio which has seen a steady growth over a relatively short amount of time. 
Mr J Matthews 

I am writing to say thank you for the service and professional advice I have received since deciding to work with Optimum Fine Wines. You and you team have done us proud and I would not hesitate in working together in the future or recommending you to my close friends and family
Mr B Davis

From the Wellington House Collections site

Wellington House Collections Ltd:

Henry Croft at Wellington House has been very attentive, letting me know about potential changes in the market and keeping a watchful eye over my portfolio which has seen a steady growth over a relatively short amount of time. 
Mr J Matthews 

I am writing to say thank you for the service and professional advice I have received since deciding to work with Wellington House. You and you team have done us proud and I would not hesitate in working together in the future or recommending you to my close friends and family.
Mr B Davis'

Recycling the same fake testimonials doubtless saves time and effort as well as indicating that these two apparently separate companies are under the same management. It also underlines why I would not touch either Optimum Fine Wines Ltd or Wellington House Collections Ltd as well as the associated company Prestige Wealth Collections Ltd with a barge pole.  

The price guide on the Optimum Fine Wines Ltd's website usefully shows that you can buy these wines cheaper elsewhere. Just check the prices on www.wine-searcher.com
                                                                                                                    See also the investdrinks page: I wouldn't buy wine from these companies